Professional local placement companies are the perfect partner when it comes to the organisation and provision of quality care services for the home.
First, they act as interfaces between the independent caregiver and their customer. Second, they provide independent caregivers who originate mainly from Eastern European countries with support in organisational and contractual matters as well as training and education. They therefore play a central role in sustainable development and expansion of high-quality care services. This contribution cannot be overestimated in view of the foreseeable soaring demand.
Placement companies inform the people requiring care and their family members of all permitted services within a caregiving relationship with the independent caregivers and state the price of their mediation.
Placement companies see themselves as organisational and professional assistance for their customers for the entire duration of the caregiving relationship and offer them advice and help.

As the contact point for people requiring care and their family members, and as a placement and qualification partner for independent caregivers, placement companies take responsibility on both sides. To fulfil this mediating role fully and to discourage any conflicts of interest, the placement and organisation of care services was excluded from the business of caregiving in 2015.
Guaranteed by the regulations published in the Federal Law Gazette for the Republic of Austria on "Ethical and exercise regulations for the organisation of caregiving", domestic placement companies offer those requiring care and their families, as well as independent caregivers in their status as care providers, the highest safety and reliability in the organisation and provision of care services. The ethical requirements establish comprehensive due diligence, contractual, and documentation requirements and are therefore an important contribution to quality development.

Placement companies ensure that qualified and suitable care is available as needed on site as quickly as possible. The core of the service is to place independent caregivers with those requiring care . The caregivers placed always work as independent providers.
For comprehensive care over longer periods, placement companies ensure the continuity and reliability of care services, a smooth transition of two alternating caregivers, and cover if a caregiver is impaired or unavailable.

In addition, placement companies usually have available a number of optional services for their customers on both sides of the service relationship:
Many placement companies offer regular visits by trained personnel for quality control on site, when necessary for the case in question.
Most placement companies offer a personal introduction of independent caregivers during the beginning of care involving relatives and contacts from the medical profession.
Many placement companies help on a voluntary basis and in an advisory capacity on both sides with processing formalities and organisational details as well as establishing the caregiving contract.
The care services often include support in the organisation of medical help and aids.
They also advise people requiring care and their relatives about the options for subsidies and government payments and support them in their application.
Professional local placement companies are a contact point for caregivers and those requiring care for any questions or incidences.
Placement companies often offer independent caregivers information and training and development resources to increasingly develop the quality of care services and to meet increasing demand.

In general, people who are looking for a suitable independent caregiver contact one of the numerous Austrian placement companies. They assist not only in the search and selection of a suitable independent caregiver, but also in dealing with organisational challenges and in fulfilling bureaucratic requirements, and even in applying for any subsidies and grants. Based on an extensive professional network, experience, and organisational skills, placement companies are able to find qualified caregivers who meet the relevant requirements very quickly. The pool of independent caregivers that the placement company has access to also offers the possibility of considering criteria such as sympathy and human compatibility in the selection.

Placement companies provide information on all permitted services within a caregiving relationship with the independent caregivers and state the price of their mediation.
In addition to making placements, placement companies also often offer services such as telephone accessibility, regular quality visits, and ongoing documentation of care activities - all to ensure the high quality of care. Placement companies consider themselves to be organisational and professional assistance for the entire duration of the caregiving relationship and provide advice and support for both parties.

At home caregiving
Local placement companies have an essential role in the establishment and development of quality care services through independent caregivers. Their contribution to providing affordable care cannot be overstated. The companies organised in the Chamber of Commerce in Austria act as a link between the independent caregivers and their customers, the people requiring care, and their relatives. First, they ensure that suitable and qualified care is available as quickly as possible on site as needed and take care of all the processing details.

Insurance for family caregivers
For family caregivers who take care of a close family member and sustain considerable pressure on their capacity to work, there are the following options to acquire pension insurance periods without payment of contributions:
The risk of developing dementia increases with age. From the perspective of caregiving, the topic of dementia is particularly important, especially since most people with dementia will be cared for at home by relatives.
Help and financial assistance
There are numerous support services, financial aid, and grants for people requiring care and their relatives, which are described on the following pages.